February 28
My 5 year old came inside with this concoction. He said, "Try it!" I said, "No, thank you!" He leaned forward and whispered so sweetly, "Pretend." Ohhh, I'm a little slow sometimes. Me: "Actually, I do want to try it...mmm, this is tasty! Very fruity tasting with some white powdery chunks! Thanks!" He giggled and went back outside.
March 1
And I am thrilled about my new printer/scanner/copier we bought after soccer practice. Our old one tanked, and this one is pretty AND wireless! Ryan set all 3 of our computers up to print from it. And it's sitting so nicely in our bedroom. (Our old one would get piled up with papers, etc. sitting in the homeschool room.
The boys always latch right onto big chunks of Styrofoam when purchases like this are made. They make great car garages and fortresses for little plastic monsters. For one day, anyway, before I toss them into recycling.
March 2
If you haven't figured it out, he is the "old lady who swallowed a fly." He LOVES these books. There are quite a few of them if you're not familiar with them. There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell (and then there's the Ocean, Sea, Bell, Pie, Trout, Bat, Snow...I think that's it; we have all of them except maybe the Bat one.). They're very catchy and fun to read.
Well, this particular night, the boys had to get haircuts. They both looked handsome and great afterward, but Dash was MORTIFIED when he saw his hair. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Fortunately, he waited until we walked out to throw the drama. "I look awful!" "I can't go to school (homeschool co-op) like this!" (That was my favorite one. He said it so DEFINITIVELY, like it was a fact.) "I don't want anyone to see me!" "I can see skin!" He was WAILING.
(Above, he's waving his hands because he didn't even want me to take his picture.) I felt sorry for the guy because I know he really felt embarrassed inside (and having been the queen of feeling embarrassed and self-conscious when I was young, I understand), but it was hard holding in my giggles. Because it really was a nice haircut, and he was really overreacting.
He did, in fact, go into Homeschool Academy wearing a baseball cap the next day. However, he took it off within five minutes and hasn't complained about it since.
March 4
Workbox Day
I wrote about my new Workbox System in my last post. We still love them, and they are definitely easier to fill and maneuver.
A few of the things my kindergartener was working on:
A few of the things my 4 year old worked on:
She did a couple of coloring pages and worksheets, too. She is always excited about doing her assignments. She and her oldest brother don't like to stop until their assignments are completed, unlike Dash who likes to try rationalizing that it should be perfectly suitable to watch a long movie after finishing one assignment.

What a busy week!
Just found your blog and I am loving it!! Enjoying going through your posts on a cold saturday afternoon!!! I also homeschool my 2 kids so I can't wait to read all of your ideas!!!
Don't you just love when they create? Even if it's with dirt! LOL Lots of GREAT activities you do with your kids! Thanks for stopping in and reading at my blog. Teacher's Cafe is fun, but Softschool has games as well...and for your youngest Literactive is awesome for Language Arts (reading).
My kids love making postions as well. I love your little guy wanting to go as the old lady who swallowed the fly. The stomache costume is a hoot.
I love your *experiment* station idea! My kids would really get into that~I'll have to remember that:)
Personally, I noticed the haircut immediately and loved it...before I saw Dash's reaction.
Tornado's costume is awesome!!
Miss you!
PS...love the rock pile.
fun week;) Love the concoctions... sounds like you have some chefs or chemists on your hands;)
And I enjoyed seeing what your 4 yr old is up to:) I have a 4 yr old,too!!
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