February 21
I am super-duper excited about my new shelves I bought last night at Office Depot. This is originally what I wanted to use for our Workboxes. However, to save money while finding out if we even wanted to use the Workbox System, I just bought an economy size box (enough for 3 kids) of shoebox size tubs at The Container Store for $30 about a year and a half ago. They work fine, but it was all a little chaotic with tubs and lids everywhere. I love, love my new shelves much better. And they match my house! If you're curious, I paid $59/apiece for these, BUT I found a $30 off (purchase of $150 or more...there are other coupons for other amounts) Office Depot coupon online which helped.
February 22
And the next time I walked by him, he now had the Spiderman hooded towel over his head and another blanket on top of him.
February 23
Mondays and Wednesdays are generally Workbox Days. This is one of Dash's.
February 24
I said I wasn't going to talk about vegan stuff on this blog anymore, but this really was the most exciting part of our day. And they were the only pictures I ended up taking. The kids were excited to open up our box of goodies from Vegan Essentials.
February 25
I've got some serious piles going on right now. I'm sure my sister Cary's heart is beating faster just looking at these pictures.
Tons of random stuff to put in different tubs in the attic. I'm posting these pictures for this purpose: if you come to my house a month from now, I'll have to feel shame from knowing that you know this mess has been here since February 25.
Plus, it seems like when I post pictures of the good stuff about my life, some people have a negative reaction. Whenever people judge others' lives based on a few blog pictures, they're doing themselves an injustice. I've even had people say they don't want to read my blog because it makes them feel inferior. Huh?! Come on over and meet me sometime.
February 26
Better late than never...somehow we never got to exchange Christmas presents with Ryan's parents. (Snow storms, tornadoes, Ryan's out-of-town trips, birthdays, and illness all got in the way.) They drove down last night, and today the kids got to have a little Christmas in February. And Ryan got to replenish his t-shirt, underwear, and sock supply, which always makes him happy.
February 27
I feel like I spend much of my time trying to maintain the chaos of our home, jealous of those nifty new boxes!
I may not homeschool, but those boxes look incredibly awesome!!
Christmas in February...what a hoot...and blessing.
I really need to get motivated about cleaning out our spare bedroom (as you know) adn the basement. Let alone the master bedroom....
I bought some of those shelves for Brian's office last year. They're perfect! I love the style too.
Love the new work boxes. Very stylish.
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