Sunday, May 22, 2011

Project 365: Enjoying the Little Things

Wednesday, May 11
This is where Tornado can often be found in his free time: at the table in the "homeschool room," making "silly pictures."

Thank goodness for Dash who keeps our plants and flowers watered.

Thursday, May 12
Sissy gifted me with this stack of papers, all created so thoughtfully and lovingly.

Friday, May 13
My sister Cary and her kids arrived to spend a week. We looked at old pictures a lot, and for fun, she tried on our Mom's wedding dress.

There has been much fun going on here (and at Googie & Papaw's house here) lately with the walkie talkies.

Saturday, May 14
Farmer's Market day! (We even went to two of them.) We also went to the library, to eat and visit Tracy at Boulevard Bread Company, to The Green Store, and Whole Foods. Sissy likes to accessorize with ribbons, which is what is around her neck.

We also walked down to the river where Peabody Park is located, near the River Market.

Sunday, May 15
Fun with a teeny turtle found outside. We also found a teeny bunny rabbit in the middle of the road the other night, and we had to huddle it up in my scarf and put it under a bush nearby.

Sunday was a nice day altogether, visiting with Googie, Papaw, Tracy, Cary, and the kids. We even played a little basketball. I loved how much Dash giggled as Ryan and I played a little 2-on-2 against him and Papaw.

It's like they're riding go-karts or roller coasters, the amount of enjoyment my kids receive by riding the lawn mower with Papaw.


That's as far as I can go right now; I'm panicking because I think I've missed a day somehow! Drama!

1 comment:

Janna Renee said...

Aww! it looks like y'all had a LOT of fun! I love when we get lots of family time <3