As I continue my list of big things and little thingsThat I am ever so grateful for Things that make me smile Or warm my soulAs I attempt to undueThe grumbling that has taken overA spot in a dark place of my heart...
14) the little 2 year old bottom that just made its way onto my lap and the little hand that still likes to make its way down the top of my shirt, to be comforted
15) an extra day of sleeping in...having my kids at home on this holiday
16) for the person who spoke out against discrimination and hate
17) that others take time to give me such amazing ideas on their blogs
18) how much better body pillows help me sleep
19) the internet
20) facebook...I love having the majority (but not all yet, obviously) of the people who have meant something to me in my life all hooked up on one's nice for a stay-at-home mom who tends to get lonely with very little social interaction in her life
21) my husband has integrity
22) washable markers
23) hotels
24) when I'm at the grocery store, etc. and I see the other people in line also bringing their own reusable bags - and if you don't do that, please consider doing so! :)
25) when there is still cereal in the box and milk in the carton on a sleepy morning
26) the weekend mornings when Ryan gets up without a word to tend to the kids and doesn't happen every morning, and sometimes I do it for him...we can always sort of sense who needs the other to do it
27) the peaceful fun I had last night while putting together puzzles with the kids
28) being able to walk outside lately without a coat
29) the extra time I had this weekend to finally take the ornaments off the tree...and I just KNOW I'm going to get everything Christmas related put in tubs sometime this week... ;)
30) the amazing knowledge and life experience of my pastor
31) Synthroid...I might not be here without it
32) my daughter's original "I love my momma...I love my momma" song
33) an seemingly endless supply of seemingly clean water
34) mapquest and the GPS in my car
35) phone calls from friends and family
36) that even though my son has a chromosome abnormality, which is the leading cause of miscarriage, he was delivered healthy and at full-term...and that his physical problems have been relatively minimal so far...please pray that he will continue to grow strong and overcome
37) the beautiful, sincere prayers that come out of my children's mouths
38) libraries...I could spend all day in one, quietly looking through every aisle
39) that I've never had to live through the devastation of a house fire, earthquake, tornado, or hurricane
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things...Philippians 4:8