our first Christmas together, 1997My friend
Lori from the Davidson Den blog-tagged me with the question: "Are you ready to get your jingle on?" Does the fact that I put on Christmas music at random times during the year answer that question? It's not unheard of for Faith Hill's "Where Are You, Christmas?" to be on my
playlist at any given time.
"If there is love in your heart and your mind, you will feel like Christmas all the time - WHOAH!...I feel you, Christmas! I know I've found you! You'll never faaaaade aaaa-waaayyy!" :)
one of my favorite ornaments, Santa kneeling beside baby Jesus, among my most special ornaments made by my late great-aunt/one of the greatest people ever, Mert
I'm ready to get my ornaments down from the attic and "get this party started," as Tornado would say. He's been asking me every day if we are ready to start decorating. I told him I just have to get the house clean first. We will get our tree on Thanksgiving weekend. I love going to the tree farm. The past three years we have gotten trees that still have their root balls in the pot. We have replanted them in our yard (we had to leave two of them, of course, at our house we sold), and they have always made it just fine. I love opening the tubs and carefully unwrapping all the ornaments that hold a special memory. This Christmas will be extra fun since it is the first in our new house, and all of our decorations were in storage last year.
What else makes Christmas special for our family? It goes without saying that I love the time with family and friends. I love the feeling of being in a candle-lit room, surrounded in decorations, with Christmas music playing in the background. We let a pan of cinnamon simmer on the stove. I am thrilled to have a fireplace (electric with a remote control, but it's a fireplace!) and mantel this year. I told my husband that was one of my must-haves when building a house - just so I can "hang my stockings by the chimney with care." I love getting Christmas cards in the mail! One of our new ideas is to send a little gift to the first person who sends us a card. My dad has been busy working on their Department 56 snow village scenes, and my kids can hardly contain their excitement waiting for it. I love Christmas through my children's eyes even more than I loved it for myself as a child. I waited all my life to get to be like my Mom, with her "master list," staying up to all hours on Christmas Eve, getting everything ready.
We find ways to focus on the birth of baby Jesus by setting out our Nativity and having a "birthday party" with a cake to help the kids associate. Our gifts to Him come in the form of filling Operation Christmas Child boxes and picking other goodwill projects during the season. We also only give/receive three wrapped gifts each year to represent the three gifts presented unto Him. We tried implementing a candle-lit service into the mix, but we got so stressed out that our squirmy boys were going to burn the place down, we might have to hold off a year longer on that one. If anyone has any other ideas, let me know. I'm going to get an Advent wreath/candles this year. But I guess it really isn't as much the "activities" that you do as just a state of mind, a feeling in approaching and talking about the holidays - the spirit of Advent.
Other fun family traditions include our Night Tree, Christmas movies, decorating cookies, driving around to look at lights, and Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt/New Pajamas. We read from our basket of Christmas books each night, culminating with 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and much more important, the Christmas Story, when we put out our milk and cookies plus reindeer food for the Jolly Elf. I also hope to make it to Silver Dollar City sometime in December; I love it. Despite the fact that SDC is so commercialized, it is a place that is built around a Christian core, and I can feel that when I am there.
I can't wait to go Christmas shopping - there's just something more fun about bundling up in your coat and scarf and shopping when there are decorations all around. I actually do most of my shopping online, but I have to go OUT a few times, at least, for the fun of it. I am trying to do better each year about buying things here and there, throughout the year. I already have a lot of my stockings stuffers bought already. I can't wait to meet my girlfriends in Kansas City (where one of the girls lives) for a fun Christmas-y weekend in December. Our first family Christmas get-together is next week!
My sisters and I, circa 1983 - I don't think my brother ever joined in on the matching, ha.
We spent a night at the Lodge at Mount Magazine during the Christmas season 2007. Our house was being built, and we were living with my parents so Santa came and filled our stockings at the Lodge. It was a beautiful, fun place to stay, and we can't wait to go back...no, I just can't get away from the matching pajamas; it's genetic.
I am tagging Cary and Stacey. Answer the question, "Are you ready to get your jingle on?" Then, if you wish, tag other bloggers to see what they have to say."Christmas is here, everywhere - OHHH! Christmas is here, if you care - OHHH!"
Update: All this Christmas talk inspired me to carry my tubs down from the attic...we're ready!