Monday, September 12, 2022

Academy on Six Wheels

Flashback Post! I never posted this on here. This was summer 2017. :)

Sooo...we live in an RV now. I will back up in another post to explain how that came to be. For now, I will start at the beginning of our school year. It had been a rainy, mosquito-filled summer; we figured we might as well hit the books. The kids agree they would rather school year round, so that we can travel and take off when we want during the year. (Actually, they mostly agree to this, but occasionally one of these children - who shall remain nameless - likes to protest, "It's so unfair!!! My friends don't have to do schoolwork today!"

We began with a little Chicka Chicka Boom Boom breakfast in honor of C's KINDERGARTEN year. (My big kids are good sports.) This is the same thing we did when Sister started homeschooling in kindergarten.

7th grade, 11th grade, kindergarten, 5th grade

I thought about dressing them up nicely and doing the whole first day/chalkboard/grade thing, but this actually represents our current living situation and lifestyle so much better. Their "first day of school" fell on Kids' Activities Day at our RV park. (Art & P.E. I guess?!)

How's that for the first day of school?

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