Sunday, August 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: I Saw Red

Did anyone just start singing Warrant?

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Our Muffin Tin theme this week: RED.

We've been doing a casual color unit this summer to help Sissy solidify her colors knowledge. She knows her colors for the most part, but she still gets some of them mixed up occasionally.

Red-skinned apples, R is for Red shaped peanut butter and strawberry jelly bread, strawberries, rice pasta with marinara sauce, Jelto (Dash's name for our gelatin-free gel cups we get at Whole Foods) with a cherry on top, and watermelon.

They also drank apple juice from red boxes.

The only problem with an all-red meal - it's a little red-messy.

We're so happy that Winnie, Rush, and Cary could join us for Muffin Tin Monday!

And we all wore red! Of course, Cary's red outfit is cute, and I only own red t-shirts. She said that was where I made the mistake; she would have planned the meal around the outfit.

Little Rush WAS wearing red, too, originally...

but there were some issues during the meal.

And at least I had fancy red shoes to wear.

We planned on doing a red activity with our little visitors, but we ran out of time. I set these red craft supplies out for my 3 a few days later and told them to CREATE.

This is what they came up with.

A few of our "red" books we read.

And I leave you with this - just because looking at it makes me happy.

How about another one?

Linkin' up with Muffin Tin Mom and Gang.


  1. We had a great time! Btw, if you click on the group shot to make it big, check out Rush's back/neck. That's some rubbed-in sauce. Nasty!

  2. Ryan just said, "Is it just me or do Cary's kids always seem to get a lot messier eating than our kids ever did?"


  3. The red themed everything is wonderful. I love the R and cherry.

  4. LOL, I love it! Our theme was "orange", but not for cool reasons like we were learning about it, but because I couldn't come up with anything else. ;o)

  5. Love the red theme and look at those happy faces! Also love the red mary cute!
